Deadly Sins

Heavenly Green Touched by Red

Constraints from sinning turn their screws in me.
I sleep to see fresh dreams of a new birth
Where everything I do was meant to be
And not to amplify my own self-worth.
If ever there’s a heaven for this earth,
And even if I’m not permitted in,
May praise be given for forgiven sin.

Text: Linked to dVerse Poetics where Amaya presents the theme of the seven deadly sins (and corresponding virtues). It is also a septet, a seven line poem, which I will be featuring again on Thursday for Meeting the Bar. All of these sevens are here because this week we are celebrating dVerse’s seventh anniversary.

Because of the theme of forgiveness at the end I am also linking this to Debbie Roth’s Forgiving Fridays. Her blog reminds me of the power of forgiveness. Without her influence that last line may well have been different.

Photos: “Heavenly Green Touched by Red”, above, and “Two Ants Many Flowers”, below.

Two Ants Many Flowers

Author: Frank Hubeny

I enjoy walking, poetry and short prose as well as taking pictures with my phone.

38 thoughts on “Deadly Sins”

  1. I enjoyed this and you have a wonderful speaking voice. There is defiantly power in forgiveness, one that I try to practice but I know from experience that I tend to hold on to hurt longer than I should.

    Liked by 2 people

  2. this is truly a “spiritual” – an admission of “wrongs” and forgiveness (I personally don’t like to use the words “sin” in references that are personal, as such) – it’s about learning and relearning one’s humanness, daily – and rising to the challenges again and again … all delivered in a very frank, yet humble voice – really wonderful message here Frank!

    Liked by 1 person

  3. This brought a small little peaceful tear. Begins with visceral pain of turning screws, and ends with hopeful praise. What a wonderful shining gem of poem! 💎

    Liked by 1 person

  4. As mentioned earlier today on my Site
    There is the Pride of Giving and Sharing
    And the Pride of Taking and Hoarding
    And even Copyrights too..
    There Are Temples of
    Gold and Labels
    of Name
    there is
    Poetry that and
    Who Dances and Sings
    And People like Frank
    who never Fail to at least
    Respond with Thanks to
    Others for Dropping by..
    Smiles.. my friEnd
    i’ve Visited
    oF oNLiNE
    in the
    Last 5 Years
    as Documented
    Online with many
    more Thousands of
    Poems now back from
    me and you my FriENd
    NoW stand out this way
    And i for one am Proud of You..:)

    Liked by 1 person

  5. I’m accustomed to the melodic, even vibe of your words, and this is a good example of that, but I was also deeply moved by the content. There’s always a depth to your messages, but this one really hits me in the feels. I guess in my own way, I’m also seeking some form of atonement.

    Nicely done, my friend. 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

  6. Frank, I am so honored that this line is in your poem. Forgiving is such a blessing, and I see that through your work. My spiritual teacher John-Roger says that sin is just missing the mark. I love that definition, there’s a gentle neutrality and openness about it.

    I’ll share this in #ForgivingFridays this week. Have a beautiful weekend, Frank! Great post. ~Debbie


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