
Near the Water

His knuckles tapped the door to knock.
Would no one on the inside hear?
But then came Jane, who wiped a tear,
and Jim, a target safe to mock.
They looked outside, released the lock,
and called the others, “Come and see!”
But none would bother. Faithfully
both Jim and Jane dressed in pure white,
gave thanks like it were Christmas night,
and shared a meal among just three.

Linked to Ronovan Writes Décima Poetry Challenge where the goal is to use the rhyme word “knock” in the A line of a décima having rhyme pattern ABBAACCDDC.

I imagine Jim and Jane as those rare members of the church in Laodicea, as recorded in Revelation 3:20, who were willing to open the door.

Crystal Grimes is hosting a Holiday Blogging Party to which I am linking this post.

Overlooking the Lagoon
Ronovan's Decima Poetry Challenge Image
Ronovan’s Decima Poetry Challenge Image

Author: Frank Hubeny

I enjoy walking, poetry and short prose as well as taking pictures with my phone.

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