Walk – Six Sentence Story


Celia’s boyfriend, Derek, with two of his friends helping, removed his things from her apartment the morning she met her father, Rafael, at the café. How did her father know Derek could not be trusted? Since the arguments with her mother she had not spoken to either of them. How did her father even know there was a Derek?

Rafael remained in the café for some time after Celia ran off and then decided to walk by the ocean before going home. He was wondering what their next move should be and how he would tell his wife that his meeting with their daughter failed when he heard footsteps running from behind and Celia shouting, “Dad, wait!”

Denise offers the prompt word “walk” for this week’s Six Sentence Stories. Continues from Service – Six Sentence Stories.

White and Green
GirlieOnTheEdge Denise Farley's six-sentence-stories icon
GirlieOnTheEdge Denise Farley’s six-sentence-stories icon

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Author: Frank Hubeny

I enjoy walking, poetry and short prose as well as taking pictures with my phone.

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