Heart—Six Sentence Story

Joe thought and thought about what to write as a six sentence story, but nothing came to mind and so he asked his wife if she had any ideas but his wife had better things to do and gave him a look and so he asked his daughter if she had any ideas for a six sentence story, but his daughter was practicing becoming a teenager and so he got nothing from her but another look and so he asked his son if he had any ideas for a six sentence story and just then his son spoke his first word saying, “Dada”, which annoyed his wife who hoped at least one of their children would have the heart to say, “Mama”, first and so Joe decided to come up with an idea on his own, but nothing came to mind.

“What did you think of my six sentence story?” Joe asked his family.

“That’s only one sentence,” his wife said.

“It sounded like twenty sentences to me,” his daughter said.

“I didn’t understand a word of it,” his son said.

So he posted it.


Denise offers the prompt word “heart” for this week’s Six Sentence Story.

Author: Frank Hubeny

I enjoy walking, poetry and short prose as well as taking pictures with my phone.

34 thoughts on “Heart—Six Sentence Story”

  1. …and the Six Sentence Story of the week goes to
    Your Six had (one of my) eyebrows moving before the first comma, a total grin at the thought.. ‘meta!’ and finally reading each remaining sentence with a laugh of appreciation!

    Liked by 3 people

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