Forest Bath

We bathe in wonders. Some manipulate aspects of these aided by theories of gravity or electromagnetism. I try to stand tall with shoulders back so I can breathe deeply which keeps my heart open to resonate with Whatever. I step off the street and enter a dense forest trail. As I move deeper into the woods human sounds smooth out into hums softer than the crunch of my feet on last autumn’s leaves.

Walking this path, I intend to pay attention, but I miss almost everything.

When I choose not to enter some woods, it sprinkles me with thoughts of regret. If I do enter, but pay no attention to anything, I am still caressed. Someday I might understand the rapture of every creature like that of the worms as they return autumn’s mulch to the trees, but, right now, I can’t separate out those drops of this forest bath. I walk. When the path ends I feel refreshed.


Linked to dVerse Haibun Monday hosted by Toni aka kanzen sakura (  who writes, “In 1980, the Japanese began a type of healing/meditation/relaxation process called shinrin-yoku (森林浴) or literally, forest bathing.” The prompt is to try this yourself and report on your experiences.

The Sea

It’s wetter than I want to be
And so I choose the land.
My weighty friend, great gravity,
Prefers that I should stand.

A boat is an alternative,
But some do sink out there.
Why leave the land and try to live
And float in some nowhere?

There are those creatures in that deep
Who wishy-washy roam.
I’ll count on waves of dreamy sheep.
I’d rather sleep at home.

Photo by the author
Hear the author read this poem on SoundCloud.


Open Your Eyes Even If They Are Already Open

Let gravity do what it does.
Walk the body tall.
Let the eyes explore what’s real.
They want to see it all.

I’ll levitate when I am dead.
My eyes are grateful when
I look about with opened eyes
And then I look again.

Written for dVerse Quadrille #16 using “open” as a prompt.