Sunday Walk 34 – Easter Coming Soon

Morning Sun

ει τα επιγεια ειπον υμιν και ου πιστευετε πως εαν ειπω υμιν τα επουρανια πιστευσετε

John 3:12 Textus Receptus with various translations

Jason Lisle is an astronomer who argues for biblical creationism and a young earth. I think he’s right. However, I suspect many Christians would not agree. They accept the deep time of evolution perhaps because they’ve been taught that’s just the way things are. To keep religion relevant, they add onto this a God who guides the mythical process of evolution. I know some Christians believe this kind of theistic evolution, because I’ve been there, done that and wish now I hadn’t.

The problem with theistic evolution is that no connection exists between that guiding God and Elohim (Yahweh) after theistic evolution trashes Genesis 1-11. If one doesn’t accept Genesis as an historical document, how can one make sense out of Easter except as one more myth? Don’t forget what’s at stake: 1 Corinthians 15:14.

There is plenty of scientific justification for a biblical young earth. Indeed, what is lacking is scientific evidence for the belief that deep time could ever be deep enough to make evolution work or that a big bang could randomly pop any ordered reality, let alone an orderly universe, out of a disordered quantum vacuum no matter how often it tries.

Here are a few sites I have found useful should you wish to explore this.

And here are some specific sources.

  • Walt Brown provides a survey of arguments for creationism along with his hydroplate theory of what happened during the flood in his book, In the Beginning.
  • The Young Earth Creation channel hosts a graphic presentation of the flood events based on the fossil record found in wide ranging sedimentation layers.
  • John Hartnett describes the Anisotropic Synchrony Convention that Jason Lisle uses to solve the starlight travel time problem which answers the question how light from stars billions of light years away could reach the earth instantly on the fourth day of creation.

Easter is upon us. Many proclaim the resurrection of Jesus as historical fact. That’s the core of what matters.

Asserting the resurrection of Jesus as historical fact takes me back to creation as presented in Genesis also as historical fact. If it is weren’t for Adam and Eve there would be no need for the death and resurrection of Jesus. From that beginning I go to the end times that prophecies assert will also be, some day, historical fact.

Here is a song I found on The Marshall Report appropriate for those last days which may be coming soon.

Paul Wilbur, Days of Elijah
More Morning Sun

Author: Frank Hubeny

I enjoy walking, poetry and short prose as well as taking pictures with my phone.

9 thoughts on “Sunday Walk 34 – Easter Coming Soon”

  1. Thanks for speaking the truth. I agree!

    Answers in Genesis has some great resources.

    This is a penetrating question of Jesus: ” I have spoken to you of earthly things and you do not believe; how then will you believe if I speak of heavenly things?” Of course, he asked it to a member of the religious elite.


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  2. “Been there, done that, and now wish I hadn’t”. But thank God He uses our regrets to guide others to His truth. If scientists dared to look deeper into their microscopes and further into their telescopes, perhaps they would discover that science proves the Bible. But that would mean admitting they were wrong.

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