
Thoughts will echo, bounce and shout
Like whispers haunt a cave,
Like cryptic nonsense thrown about.
I caught some I might save.

If thoughts would knock and say they’re true,
I’d welcome them today,
But does it matter what I do?
They’ve entered anyway.

Linked to dVerse Quadrille Monday hosted by De Jackson, aka WhimsyGizmo, with prompt word, “echo”.
Photo: “Open Door” by the author. The scene is a garden gate at the Chicago Botanic Garden.

Substantiating the Shadow

If that’s your shadow in my cave,
I wonder where are you?
Some caves are darker than the night.
Minds get darker, too.

My mind rehearses uselessly
The past, since now you’ve gone.
Those shadows flicker right and left
While day keeps moving on.

Written for dVerse Quadrille #17 from a prompt by whimsygizmo, photo by Frank Hubeny.