Mundane Monday — Fungi

“Am I so pretty you would take a picture of me?”  Yes.

Photos: “Stump”, above, and “Mundane Fungus”, below, by the author.  I’ve linked both to K’lee and Dale’s Cosmic Photo Challenge with the theme “fungi” as well as trablogger’s Mundane Monday.

When I read Dale’s prompt I asked myself, “Where am I going to find a fungus?”  A voice said, “Go to the botanic garden.”  I replied, “I’ve never seen a fungus there.  It’s too clean.” The voice responded, “Go to the woods in the botanic garden.”  I walked to the Mary Mix McDonald Woods and followed the trail until it forked.  “Now where?”  The voice responded, “Take the boardwalk.”  At the end of the boardwalk I saw the fungus. “I’ll have to step off the trail.”  The voice responded, “Stop whining and take the photo.” It was the only fungus I saw all day, but I had no need to see another.

Mundane Fungus