Look and Feel of Gratitude

Fairy tales when left undone
May spoil in the morning Sun.
What was truly true last night
Weakens strangely with fresh light.
Does that matter anyway?
The morning brings another day.
Be grateful, praising spring and fall,
Those great among us and those small.

Linked to K’lee and Dale’s Cosmic Photo Challenge. And linked to dVerse Quadrille where Lillian is hosting with the word “spoil”.

Orange Above

Gratitude — Sun Salutation

Even seagulls understand,
Salute the brightening Sun.
They pause with eyes that watch it rise,
Give praise, for day’s begun.

Photo: “Sun Salutation” by the author.  I am linking this to K’lee and Dale’s Cosmic Photo Challenge with theme “gratitude” and since gratitude seems to make forgiveness easier I am also linking it to Debbie Roth’s Forgiving Fridays.