Around the Block

We go in different directions down the imperturbable street like Joe and Jim after their argument. Joe pounded the imperturbable shooing away crows. Jim crumbled bread tossing it to them.

At the end of the block they both headed north: Joe weighing dark thoughts,  Jim littering the imperturbable with crumbs.  At the end of those blocks they witlessly turned back toward each other.

They bumped into each other outside Jerry’s secret laboratory. Jerry was assembling, with his usual dexterity, a “Teach Em All A Lesson” bomb (details in Chapter 32). As Joe saw Jim, Jerry clicked the final chip into place and rubble buried the street. Joe’s last words were “You again!” Jim was wondering if he had more bread. Those investigating the scene figured Jerry didn’t have enough time to even say “oops”.

No crow with a brain in its head was injured.

Linked to dVerse Prosery where Merril is hosting with a line from Gwendolyn Brooks “We go in different directions down the imperturbable street” from An Aspect of Love, Alive in the Ice and Fire.
