How Does Your Garden Grow?

Turning round from flight
From cold wintry blight,
We stay.
Colorful and bright
Rainbows raise out sight,
Gardens growing right
Where there once was night

Linked to K’lee and Dale’s Cosmic Photo Challenge with the theme “how does your garden grow?” and to dVerse Poetic Forms featuring the “lai”.

Blue and Yellow Flowers
Blue and Yellow Flowers


Early every day
Turn my mind away
From sin.
When I’m lost, astray,
Let me let you stay
Now I choose and may
Your desires display,

Linked to dVerse Poetics where M (grapeling) is hosting with the these “limbo”. It is also an example of the “lai” poetry form featured at dVerse this month.

The lai poetry form is simple. The required rhyme and syllable counts flow under various meters.

Morning Fog
Morning Fog