One-Liner Wednesday – Forgiveness

It’s hard to forgive, but after doing so, it’s hard to see why it was so hard.

Linked to Linda G. Hill’s One-Liner Wednesday and Debbie Roth’s Forgiving Fridays.

#1linerWeds badge by Cheryl, at
#1linerWeds badge by Cheryl, at

Past Regrets and Future Song

My resolution for those tears now past
Are that the present day may rise and bring
Forgiveness. May regrets not yearn to last,
But let the fearful future learn to sing.

Linked to dVerse Poetics where Merril is hosting and to Debbie Roth’s Forgiving Fridays. And to Linda G. Hill’s Just Jot It January.

Linda G. Hill's 2019 Jot It January