The Bed in the Forest — #writephoto Peace

Two lovers lie upon their bed
Made from a tree. They rest their heads
While in the distance there is strife.
They safely rest, imagine life
Without those worries and it’s then
They find their love alive again.

But when to them the fighting nears
They arm themselves in spite of fears
And fight defending what they know
Of good, of truth to help them grow.
Whatever happens that is when
They find their love alive again.

Linked to Sue Vincent’s #writephoto prompt Peace.
Sue Vincent provided the photo for the prompt.

Sue Vincent's #writephoto icon
Sue Vincent’s #writephoto icon

Butterfly Feeling

In Spring the heart-throb butterfly
Makes lovers stop to touch and sigh
While others watch them passing by
Excited without asking why.

Though it may be a silly thing
When butterflies are fluttering
It’s better than what Winters bring
When frozen hope lacks warmth to sing.

Linked to dVerse Open Link Night hosted by Grace.
Photo: “Flowers in a Pot” by the author