Righteousness and Grace

It takes no time at all to choose
But more to justify
The choice I made so I won’t lose–
Lose what, to whom and why?

I build a wall of righteousness
That only grace can smash
And let forgiveness air the mess.
Rejoice. Enjoy the crash.

Text: Linked to dVerse Poetics. Paul is hosting with the theme “grace”. I am also linking this with Debbie Roth’s Forgiving Fridays.

Photo: “Bottle in the Light” by the author. I am linking this to Trablogger’s Mundane Monday with the theme of “bottles”. I am also linking it to Frank Jansen’s Tuesday Photo Challenge with the theme “recycle” which is what I should do with this bottle since I no longer use it.  Perhaps the idea of the light of grace shining through the bottle might link the photo to the poem?

The Sound of Sense

Robert Frost called it the “sound of sense”. I bust that phrase into two and think of it as “sound” and “sense”, but Frost more accurately describes the reality of poetry. Still he doesn’t completely describe poetry, because no one can. That’s a good thing. It gives the rest of us and our descendants for the next hundreds of millions, or billions, of years something new to do.

My view of sense is taking me into two different directions. After reading Jane Kohut-Bartel’s “Song of the Nightingale”, I want to understand better the 8th century Japanese collection, the Man’yōshū. After reading Debbie Roth’s Forgiving Fridays, I want to learn more about Hafiz (and Rumi) and the theme of forgiveness. Along these two ways of sense may the sound that’s right appear.


Text: Linked to dVerse Haibun Monday where Toni is hosting asking us to write about our plans.

Photo: “Future Mystery” by the author.