Sunday Walk 9 – Feast of Tabernacles

He hath shewed thee, O man, what is good; and what doth the Lord require of thee, but to do justly, and to love mercy, and to walk humbly with thy God?

Micah 6:8 King James Version

The Feast of Tabernacles began last Friday evening, October 2nd. It continues until the evening of October 9th. Here is Jonathan Cahn’s service.

Jonathan Cahn, The Feast of Tabernacles – Sukkot

Sinach’s Way Maker is a song that I find myself singing quietly while on my walks. That is evidence to myself that it must be one of my favorites.

Sinach, Way Maker

I am a registered Democrat in Miami Beach, Florida. I voted for the President, Donald Trump, and I predict he will win on November 3rd. Then I predict he, along with the help of others, will drain this swamp.

I am grateful that the Senate confirmed Amy Coney Barrett as an Associate Justice of the U.S. Supreme Court with a vote of 52 to 48.

Volume – Six Sentence Story

“The Good Spirit knows everything about you and he’s apt to forgive you but you have to submit to him and want it,” the ancient guru who lived only on air and was said to float about the temple high in the mountain explained.

I was still curious and so while seated at his feet, I asked him, “And what about the Bad Spirit?”

“Ah, the Bad Spirit knows a good deal about you as well but he’s only interested in what he can use as blackmail to keep your mouth shut.”

He didn’t seem to have anything more to reveal and I couldn’t think of anything more to ask him and so I lowered the volume of the sound of my breathing and I sat.

When the sun set he suddenly twisted his head unnaturally in my direction showing his burning eyes and steamy horns making me jump wishing I never risked the arduous climb up this mountain and wondering if I could find my way back down in the dark.

“So, in your current circumstances, boy, which one of those spirits do you think it’s now safer to serve?”

Linked to Six Sentence Stories where Denise offers the prompt word “volume” to use in the story. For another story about Satan, I highly recommend reading Zack and Zelda’s Church Nightmare (mostly fiction).

Garden of the Gods in the Morning
GirlieOnTheEdge Denise Farley's six-sentence-stories icon
GirlieOnTheEdge Denise Farley’s six-sentence-stories icon


I feel as if I ought to send
A warning out to one and all:
Beyond the bend's a cliff, a fall,
A tragedy, a blur, a blend
Into a gorgeous, awful end.
And then inconsequentially
What would become of you and me?
Ah! Let it come here anyway.
Yes, Come tomorrow. Come today!
Embrace the opportunity.

Linked to Ronovan Writes Décima Poetry Challenge where the challenge is to use “blend” as a rhyming word in the A lines. The poem has ten lines with rhyme pattern ABBAACCDDC.

Trail at Palmer Park, Colorado Springs, Colorado
Ronovan's Decima Poetry Challenge Image
Ronovan’s Decima Poetry Challenge Image

From Above

From above on rocky hill
I see green trees below me.
The wind blows as it wildly will
Far above this rocky hill.
Distant curves of mountains fill
Horizons blue like wavy sea.
From above on rocky hill
So many trees below me.

Linked to dVerse Quadrille where De Jackson (aka WhimsyGizmo) is hosting with the word “fill”.

Also linked to The Cosmic Photo Challenge with the theme “From Above”.

Also linked to Trent P. McDonald’s The Weekly Smile. My smile this week comes from the memories of Palmer’s Park in Colorado Springs and the many hours spent walking there.

Looking Down
Trent P. McDonald’s The Weekly Smile
The Cosmic Photo Challenge


My mind begins the cascade’s fall
To water somewhere down below
When I say “Yes” before the “Why?”

I’ve only pieces of it all
Though more I have no need to know.
My mind begins the cascade’s fall.

I wonder where these journeys go
And what do birds see when they fly?
There’s water somewhere down below.

Beneath that water-wonder I
Might understand the cascade’s call
When I said “Yes” before the “Why?”

Linked to dVerse Poetics where Amaya is hosting with the theme of “cascade” and a poetic form called “cascade”.

Incline at Manitou Spings. What looks like the top is just the beginning or so it seems when you get there.

Kindness and Coffee

One kind word and coffee will
Open up my heart to you.
If you’re out of coffee, love,
That one kind word will do.

I wrote this while drinking a cup of double espresso with steamed milk at Java Punk Coffee in Colorado Springs.  It was the best espresso drink I’ve ever had.  The photos above and below were taken at the Garden of the Gods in Colorado Springs.  I am linking this to dVerse Open Link Night.

Trail at the Garden of the Gods