Without Ice

Bart looked left and right at the majestic Atlantic Ocean, the blue skies and hot sandy beaches. It was 90 degrees. He told the real estate agent, “I suppose if the global economy heats up so much that the ice caps melted then all of these high-rise condos would turn into part of the Everglades.”

“I’ve been waiting for it to happen for over two decades.”

“This place could sink into the ocean. I wonder who’d want to live here then?”

“I’m sure the alligators wouldn’t mind.”

Bart agreed with the agent: Better buy while the ground’s still dry.

Linked to Carrot Ranch. The theme this week for the 99-word stories is “without ice”.

Morning Rain

One-Liner Wednesday

The mundane is in the mind of the beholder.

Text: Linked to Linda G. Hill’s One-Liner Wednesday.

#1linerWeds badge by Dan Antion
#1linerWeds badge by Dan Antion

Photos: “Snow Covered Park”, above, and “Snow and Ice”, below, by the author and linked to Frank Jansen’s Tuesday Photo Challenge — Quotidian.

Snow and Ice
Snow and Ice

Rain — #writephoto

Rain is wet like water,
Not so hard as ice,
Not so hot my hand gets hot,
Messy, mostly nice.

The Sun thinks clouds are funny.
They block the warmth of day
Making fantasies up high–
Carousels turn in the sky–
Friendly, flowing play.

Text: Linked to dVerse Poetics. Lillian is hosting and the theme is to put a positive spin on “rain”, “rein” or “reign”.  I am also linking this to Sue Vincent’s #writephoto prompt.  Come join us in writing for these prompts.

Photo: Sue Vincent provided the photo for the #writephoto prompt.

Sue Vincent's #writephoto icon