A Man in the Park

Halloween will soon be here.
Scary stuff will pop–appear.
There’s something spooky when a pop
Appears and doesn’t plan to stop.

I see a man lost in the park.
We monsters dance when it grows dark.
He looks OK. I’ll let him be.
It’s best if he does not see me.

He thinks this spot is so mundane.
His ears are plugged so why explain?
Tonight when cosmic lights turn on
His mundane world will–pop–be gone.

Text: I am linking this to dVerse Poetics. Bjorn is hosting with the theme of considering the monster’s perspective.

Photos: “Maple and Oak” taken at Somme Preserves.  To make sure I have something mundane enough, there’s “Below the Road” at the bottom.  I’m linking these to K’lee and Dale’s Cosmic Photo Challenge with theme “A Walk in the Park” and trablogger’s Mundane Monday.

Maple and Oak

Below the Road

The Fool Card

I trust when the monsters appear
They’ll be friendly and want to calm fear
And I trust that I, too,
On this trail I move through
Will not frighten the ones who come near.

Linked to Saturday’s Image Write #9 hosted by Bekkie Sanchez. The image is a picture of the Fool Card in the Tarot. The original artist of the Rider-Waite-Smith deck first published in 1910 was Pamela Colman Smith.

Linked also to imaginary garden with real toads who have the fool card as part of their prompt to start a month of writing one poem a day hosted by Brendan MacOdrum.

Cornered Again in My Dreams

My monsters have me cornered.
There’s nothing I can do,
But they’re so jumbly juicy
My teeth would gnaw them, too.

I’d like one buttered up to bite
While thinking thoughts real deep
So people think the stuff I write
Need not put them to sleep.

Oh, sure, I do get sleepy,
But they are getting near.
Monsters, monsters everywhere!
I’m cornered. They are here.

Linked to dVerse Open Link Night hosted by Grace.
For a future collection of nonsense called “Monsters, Monsters Everywhere and Not a Bite to Eat”.
Photo: “Fenced In or Out” by the author.


Scary monsters love to smell
Like scary people do
And that is why I hold my nose
Expecting it is true,
But when they stare at me I find
Their stench is not as bad
As those sharp teeth and wicked eyes,
Those mercilessly mocking cries.
I laugh.  It drives them mad.

Written for Grammar Ghoul Press Shape Shifting 13 #64 Writing Challenge.  Prompt: “What is that smell?”

The Monster’s Return

My little daughter goes to sleep.
I hope that monster doesn’t creep
Back to her bed to say, “Hello!”
She tells me that it’s wicked, though.

Now in her dreams, she starts to see
That monster dancing gracefully,
Until it slips on floppy feet,
Then thinks it needs something to eat.

“But don’t eat me!” She looks at it.
“I’m not that tasty.” So, they sit.
It says it’s never had a friend.
No one can trust it in the end.

It starts to weep and she looks sad.
She hurries off to tell her dad,
“A monster’s in my room and cries.
It’s cute and has the kindest eyes.”