
The fantasy of stony stuff
Is that it counts more real
Than anything that we can know
By feeling how we feel.

Text: I am linking the poem to dVerse Open Link Night hosted by Gayle.

Photos: I am linking the two photos, “Pebbles”, above, and “Stones”, below, to Frank Jansen’s Tuesday Photo Challenge with the theme “stones”.


Walking with the Aid of Shoes and Fairy Tales

Serving underneath my feet
Holding on along the side
Often magically complete:
Every fairy tale’s a treat,
Sweet or terrified.

Linked to dVerse Poetics. Kim of Writing in North Norfolk is hosting with the theme “shoes”.  This poem uses the “acrostic” form which I will feature this Thursday on dVerse.  I am practicing using it.
Photo: “Blue Sky With People Wearing Shoes” by the author linked to Frank Jansen’s Tuesday Photo Challenge with the theme “blue”.  I took the photo at the Chicago Botanic Garden.

Home Tour

Let us climb these well worn stairs,
Light above and peace throughout.
Heart tells mind, “Don’t worry here.
Love will show us all about.”

Linked to dVerse Open Link Night hosted by Björn.
Photo: “Going Up” by the author. Linked to jasenphoto’s Tuesday Photo Challenge where the prompt is “steps”.
I am also linking this to Jill Lyman’s July Challenge. Consider this an eight line poem of which I’ve written only the first four lines.

I’m exploring medieval lyrics.  I think the above might be called “trova romantica” with form and style related to the troubadours.  I’m trying to use the Portuguese Redondilha maior meter, a seven syllable line with the last syllable accented, but I might be missing something.


The Spring issue (Vol 97, No 2) of The Lyric Magazine, “the oldest magazine in North America devoted to traditional poetry”, arrived in the mail.  It contains my poem, “Chutes and Ladders”.  I am grateful to the editor, Jean Mellichamp Milliken, for selecting it.